Three decades of fighting for brain health

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) has spent more than three decades fighting for brain health in Congress. Here’s why.

Mourning of the inanimate

Giving care to a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease is never easy. When you’re in your 30s, it’s excruciating.

How today’s world is reshaping your brain

From climate change to mass shootings to war in the Middle East, your brain is trying to cope—and it needs your help.

Music and the brain

Music makes our brains dance. But why? And how? Learn more in this Q&A with Dr. Eric Zillmer.

What happens when you treat depression with ketamine

John Gorman had battled depression for years. He’d tried every treatment available. Then he tried ketamine.

Running through a diagnosis of dementia

Following a dementia diagnosis, Tom and Becky White remain determined to run a race in every state. This is their story.

Cutting through the (brain) fog

Brain fog is one of the most talked-about side effects of COVID-19. But what is it? And what is its connection to dementia?

Life without a mind’s eye

People who experience aphantasia go through life without mental visual imagery. This is how Christabel Lobo experiences the world.

The truth about Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is a brain disorder that causes uncontrollable movements. In this Q&A, Dr. Alexander Troster explains why.

From expert to patient

Dr. Tresa Roebuck Spencer spent most of her life as an expert in neuropsychology. A GBM diagnosis in 2020 gave her new POV: as a patient.