Tag Archive for: dementia

Exercise can help delay dementia

Exercise has been studied more than other preventive methods. Endless studies show the positive power of physical activity to reduce the risk of dementia from any cause.

How does exercise improve brain function?

Positive effects on the brain—brought about by exercise—are particularly beneficial for adults at risk of neurodegenerative diseases. But they are also helpful for everyone.

How and why neurological issues affect sleep

Neurological problems and poor brain health can have a potentially disastrous effect on a person’s sleep.

How sleep problems affect the brain

Sleep problems can negatively impact brain health in a variety of ways. But how? And why?

11 holiday gifts for a loved one with dementia

Discover thoughtful and practical holiday gift ideas tailored to bring comfort, joy, and connection to loved ones living with dementia.

Rethinking the stages of Parkinson’s disease

In an attempt to make sense of the phases of Parkinson’s disease, scientists consider a new way of looking at stages of advancement.

Treatments for Parkinson’s disease

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but experts have come up with treatments to make the experience more palatable.

Caring for the caregivers

Many caregivers who selflessly spend time and energy helping loved ones with cognitive decline need care too.

How a music wearable may one day help dementia patients

New wearable sensor may help older adults experiencing dementia symptoms such as agitation and depression.

AI and neuropsychology

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we practice science in a variety of disciplines, including neuropsychology