Tag Archive for: neuropsychology

7 tips for stroke prevention

As many as 80 percent of strokes are preventable, provided we humans take good care of ourselves.

How different strokes impact different brain functions

Strokes can happen anywhere in the brain. Where they occur can dictate the symptoms a patient experiences.

Understanding the ins and outs of epilepsy

Epilepsy is a family of brain disorders marked by seizures. In this Q&A, Dr. Bruce Hermann explains how the condition affects cognition.

How SLPs help people with autism communicate better

Speech language pathologists specialize in helping kids communicate. For individuals with autism, their work can be critical.

What is autism?

April is Autism Acceptance Month, which means it’s a great time to explain more about autism and the brain.

How generic Viagra can treat Alzheimer’s disease

Sildenafil, a component in the generic version of Viagra, can be helpful in treating Alzheimer’s disease. But why?

What Wendy Williams teaches us about dementia

As talk show host Wendy Williams grapples with dementia, the rest of us can learn a lot about the disease.

Broadening the understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease

In this Q&A, Dr. Heather Snyder discusses Alzheimer’s Disease research and enumerates efforts to raise awareness about the disorder.

This is your brain on love

On Valentine’s Day and every other day of the year, love triggers fascinating phenomena inside our brains.

With CTE, correlation does not equal causation

Despite what we read in the media, reports of the connection between concussions and CTE may be greatly exaggerated.